
Thunderstone Quest from AEG

Created by Alderac Entertainment Group

Thunderstone Quest is the third version of Mike Eillott's best-selling deckbuilding game of heroic adventure. Players build a deck of cards representing an adventuring party and explore a dangerous dungeon earning treasure and recovering powerful magic items. After enough keys are discovered the Guardian is unlocked and the players have a final turn to try and defeat the Guardian. The player who scores the most victory points throughout the game is the winner!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

April Update for Thunderstone Quest
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 11:17:31 PM

Hey Folks,

It has been a couple of weeks since we had that climactic finish to our Kickstarter campaign and we just wanted to update you with the news of what we have been doing. 

First of all we have been busy working with the new cards that were part of A Grand Finale as well as our Yellow Knight, to honor the Yellow Meeple and his contribution to the campaign. We feel the art work came out pretty well, and you can see that the little fella seems to have grown up pretty well…

In addition to the Yellow Knight, we have also been working on the village board. As we mentioned in the learn to play video and during the campaign, the board we were using for videos and the Print & Play was only a placeholder. We now have the preliminary sketch in for the board your cards will sit on. It is not finished yet, and we have asked for some changes to the sketch, but we wanted to give you an idea where this is heading. 

Once we have the board artwork finalized we will be labelling up some different areas that will show where you are in the village when you are doing different things, like extra leveling, buying treasures or preparing.

Our next update (hopefully on its way before the end of April) should be information about the Pledge Manager. We are in the process of finalizing terms with our providers for the Pledge Manager and the fulfillment for shipping and when the "t"s are crossed and the "i"s are dotted we'll be able to share links and information with you about how to use it!

-- Mark Wootton & the Thunderstone Team

almost 8 years ago – Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 12:10:36 AM


After yesterday's Grand Finale we're all recovering and catching our breath!

Some things that are important for everyone to know:

1: We will get the details of the Pledge Manager finalized as quickly as we can. Look for an email about the Pledge Manager in 6 to 8 weeks via the email address you registered with Kickstarter when you set up your Kickstarter account.

2: We won't be monitoring the Comments thread regularly from now own. If you have a question or a comment please direct it to the Thunderstone Facebook group:

or send us an email at

We'll poke our heads in the Comments channel about once a week to see if there is anyone who doesn't understand the above and is still asking questions.

3: Refunds and matters related to payment will start getting processed next week if requested. Please email if you need help with things related to your pledge.

4: If you credit card failed to charge for some reason Kickstarter will try it a few more times before they give up. If you still haven't been able to arrange payment by the time the Pledge Manager opens we will attempt to help you on that platform. That will also be a way to use PayPal (probably although there are issues with PayPal and Kickstarters we need to investigate).

5: If you are a retailer or are interested in the AEG Kick It Here program please email for more information about carrying Thunderstone Quest in your store.

Thanks again for a tremendous finish!

-- The AEG Thunderstone Quest Team

Thunderstone Quest Kickstarter Success!
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Apr 01, 2017 at 12:41:10 AM

Thank you for supporting us on our first Kickstarter. It has been a fun month launching and running this campaign and with your help it has exceeded our expectations.

The campaign is just the beginning and after a long weekend of sleep we will excitedly jump into the next phase of the process. As we noted in an earlier update, one of the great things about launching a game via Kickstarter is that we get to go on the journey together. We plan to make that journey as fun and informative as possible.

Next week we will be outlining those next phases and talking to you about how we will keep you updated on the progress of your copy of Thunderstone Quest.

Until then we hope you have a great weekend of gaming planned.


-- John Zinser & The AEG Team

A Grand Finale Rushes to The Climax!
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Apr 01, 2017 at 12:40:48 AM

After the Dark Spirits and the Gnawers in the Dark came the Heartless. Golems animated by ancient magic and automata given life by energies unknown, huge and brutal they trod over all who would not give way.

Then came the Fury of the Elements as the very stuff of the cosmos was given malevolent purpose and enormous power. The heroes watched in awe as earth, air, fire, water and the Thunder and Lightning themselves dominated the battlefield.

But then fear was truly felt when the skies parted and the Dragons Unleashed descended on the world. Five ancient serpents rampaged through the lands bringing death and destruction in their wake.

None thought worse could come but then the very gates of Hell itself were thrown open and the Legion of Pain came to the world of mortal men. Demonic figures wreathed in fire and shadow, legendary masters of the underworld who sought not just obedience but to rip the very souls of the living free and cast them down into the Pit from whence none ever returned!

Who will stand against the The Unholy Guardian?

These waves of monsters were faced by brave heroes. Men and women born of legend and empowered by fate. They brought with them powerful magic spells, enchanted weapons and artifacts of power. With their help the day would not be lost. Stand now with these mythic figures and fight, fight against all who try to bring darkness and despair to the world.  It is time for you to wield THE POWER OF THE THUNDERSTONES!

We are moments away from welcoming the 5,000th Backer to the Campaign and we are nearly finished with the Grand Finale!

Thanks to all who joined us on this incredible journey!

-- The AEG Thunderstone Team

Announcing Add-On Two: Card Sleeves!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 06:05:57 PM

Today we updated the Campaign with our 2nd Add-On, Premium Sleeves!

We are providing these Sleeves (which use the same plastic that we used for the Mystic Vale sleeves) in packs of 500 for $15. You can order as many packs as you wish but you must be at least an Adventurer Level Backer to order.

You will need 4 Packs (2,000 Sleeves) to sleeve all the playable cards in the Champion Reward plus Epic Add-on. You will need 2 Packs (1,000 Sleeves) for the Adventurer Add-On.

How to Use Add-Ons:

Kickstarter does not directly support Add-Ons. They are not a formal part of the Kickstarter system.

Calculate the total amount of your Reward plus all the Add-Ons, and alter your Pledge to that total. For example if you wanted the Champion Reward, the Epic Add-On and 4 Packs of Sleeves, you would manually adjust your Pledge to $190 ($100 + $30 + $15 x 4).

When the Kickstarter ends you will be sent a link to a Pledge Manager. The Pledge Manager is a 3rd party tool that we will use to manage your Pledge. In that tool you will be able to allocate the extra funds you pledged to the Add-Ons you wish to include with your shipment. The link to that Pledge Manager will be sent to the email address you have associated with your Kickstarter Account so be sure that address is current and being monitored. (If you are reading this in an Update Email from Kickstarter, the link will go to the address that received this Update).

If you have any questions about this Add-On, or Add-Ons in general, please post to the Comments channel and we will do our best to respond quickly!