Thunderstone Quest is the third version of Mike Eillott's best-selling deckbuilding game of heroic adventure. Players build a deck of cards representing an adventuring party and explore a dangerous dungeon earning treasure and recovering powerful magic items. After enough keys are discovered the Guardian is unlocked and the players have a final turn to try and defeat the Guardian. The player who scores the most victory points throughout the game is the winner!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Dark Spirits and the Gnawers in the Dark
almost 8 years ago
– Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 12:58:28 AM
We are a third of the way into A Grande Finale and we have progressed through the beginning part of the adventure.
The first stirrings of evil were the Dark Spirits. Risen from the grave, empowered with eldritch energy, and determined to destroy all within their reach. We saw five horrific spectres - led by the Tormentor.
But this terrible new threat drew a powerful divine presence from the desolation. Regian has arrived. He bore the King's Sword. He could draw upon the power of the storm. And, he was warded by the power of Nature itself.
Nature's Amulet is the 9th Stretch Goal and it will be achieved soon!
What will come after the Dark Spirits? Bright eyes in the darkness. The crunch of old bone. The stench of carrion. They are known as the Gnawers in the Dark. Gnolls - hideous doglike humanoids who skulk in the shadows and strike without warning, feasting on the souls of the weak and unprotected.
Here is a sneak peek at Stretch Goal 10!
Now is the time to back Thunderstone Quest and follow the reveal of the Grand Finale as we race towards the end of the campaign. Follow along with the discussion on the Comments thread!
-- The AEG Team
The Finale Begins!
almost 8 years ago
– Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 12:58:04 AM
Backers, we have reached the time of the campaign when the pace begins to accelerate into the final days. As more and more people sign up to receive their Rewards the volume of pledges will rise quickly.
This campaign has wildly exceeded our expectations. Before we began we had a plan to use the Stretch Goals we had built for Total Eclipse of the Sun through the last day. But the pace of pledges was so high that we decided to accelerate the schedule and give you more content than we had originally planned.
Our team of designers have been working on a special surprise and we’re able to reveal it today. For the Finale of the Thunderstone Quest Kickstarter we’re undertaking ...
The Quest for the Quest!
The team has been able to outline, create and begin testing the 5th Quest for Thunderstone Quest which to honor the campaign will be titled A Grand Finale. We are going to release the cards in this Quest as a series of Stretch Goals between now and the end of the campaign.
This will be a complete 243 card Quest just like the other four already in the Campaign. It will have 3 Dungeon Tiles (instead of 6). It will use artwork from previous releases in the Thunderstone line. The cards will be mechanically new, but you will see some familiar faces, some benign and welcome, others that have haunted your dreams, since the first Thunderstone was discovered!.
Tracking the Grand Finale
We are going to close the Dungeon for the Stretch Goals already released in the campaign and start a new tracking graphic just for the Finale. You will note that the graphics for the Explorer and Champion Rewards have been updated to reflect the inclusion of The Total Eclipse of the Sun. Nothing has changed regarding the inclusion of the Stretch Goal content - both Rewards still include all the Stretch Goals in the Campaign, both those already unlocked and those that will be unlocked during the Finale.
A Grand Finale is going to be comprised of over 50 Stretch Goals. We are setting up the Quest for the Quest with individual cards as goals so that we can generate maximum momentum as we go into the final hours of the campaign. Being able to keep up a pace of regularly hitting and revealing new goals will keep the campaign fun as we head into the final stretch.
A Grand Finale Stretch Goals will be tracked in their own graphic which will appear at the top of the Campaign page. The graphic for both Rewards will show a numerical indication of each Stretch Goal as it is added to the Reward packages but we’re not going to replicate the graphics twice like we did for the earlier Stretch Goals and Champion Reward. That will make it easier for us to keep updating the page in near real-time and streamline our process for pushing information out about new Stretch Goals.
Thank You For Your Support!
A Grand Finale has been made possible by your generous contributions to the Campaign. We are incredibly pleased that due to the amount of money we have raised we’re able to add this extra content to your Rewards. Without you, none of this would be possible.
Now it is time to get ready. Terrible forces of Evil stir in the land. Legendary heroes gather. At the Grand Finale your sword, your spells and your faith will be all that stands between the green and verdant lands and the homes of the common folk and an onslaught of monsters and nightmares!
almost 8 years ago
– Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 12:56:48 AM
We are making available a First Look Print & Play for Thunderstone Quest. Click this link to access the Drop Box folder containing the files.
The Print & Play is not final, not finalized, subject to change, and not complete. It represents enough of the Thunderstone Quest rules, cards and components to let you play the game, see how the game differs from classic Thunderstone and Thunderstone Advance, and get a sense for the kinds of components we'll be producing for the Kickstarter Rewards.
There are 6 files in this folder. You will need to download each file, and print it out then cut & prepare the components as necessary to play.
Because a significant amount of questions and answers about rules could clog the Comments channel and make it hard for us to monitor it for questions about the Campaign, we ask that you please take questions about the Print & Play rules to our Facebook Page where we'll be able to more effectively answer them. If you post rules questions to the Comment thread they won't be answered. We'd appreciate it if you would "Like" our Facebook Page while you're there!
We hope you have as much fun playing Thunderstone Quest as we have had making it!
How to Play Thunderstone Quest Video (And an update for Brazil)
almost 8 years ago
– Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 12:55:37 AM
Backers today we posted a How to Play Thunderstone video that we recorded during the AEG Summit last week. It's a little rough but quite serviceable.
You will hear Mark and John talk about a Print & Play version of the game. We will have that posted to the Campaign soon - it is in final editing and review!
If you have any questions about the rules and systems you see in the video please feel free to raise them on the Comments channel on the Campaign page and our crack team of Thunderstone experts will attempt to provide illumination!
We have also achieved the Yellow Knight Stretch Goal at $360k! A new Stretch Goal will be posted later this afternoon.
Sadly we have some news for our Brazilian backers that is not good. After consultation with several of the shipping companies that we're consulting with to handle fulfillment we've added Brazil to the list of countries we're not going to be able to ship to. This is due to the fact that shipments into Brazil cannot be reliably delivered. If matters improve before we begin shipments we will be certain to update the community.
Remember that you can cancel your pledge at any time before the campaign ends inside Kickstarter.
What is your Quest?
almost 8 years ago
– Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 05:59:58 AM
With the revelation of the 23rd Stretch Goal, the Dungeon Room tiles, we confirmed the Backer theory from the Comments channel that the card-based Stretch Goals so far add up to a whole new Quest, Total Eclipse of the Sun!
(Graphics and packaging are not final and subject to change)
So what constitutes a Quest? A Quest is comprised of:
6 Heroes
6 Monsters
12 Support Items
Dungeon Tiles
A Guardian
We have developed several Adventures for each of the 4 Quests in the Champion Reward (and the 2 in the Adventurer Reward, of course). Each Adventure is a list of Village and Dungeon cards that you use as your initial setup for a game of Thunderstone Quest. Of course you can design your own Quests (and Adventures) by selecting your own set of cards, or you can make a randomized game (using the provided Randomizer) cards. All the components from all the Quests can be combined as you wish just as in Classic Thunderstone. We are thinking about ways to link all the Quests together with some elements of persistence between Adventures and the developers have some really interesting ideas!
(For those who are wondering, YES! all the unlocked Stretch Goal cards will also automatically appear in the Epic Thunderstone Add-On at no additional cost.)
When you combine the Side Quests and Guild Quests to the mix we think there's an incredible amount of replay value in Thunderstone Quest!
Not every Quest will have 6 unique Dungeon Room tiles, although the 4 Quests in the Champion Reward do. And future Quests might have different ratios of card types, or different numbers of cards in a type. But generally speaking a Quest is approximately 240 cards of the types listed above and a selection of Dungeon Room tiles.
You can probably guess what the next unrevealed Stretch Goal will be. Our team originally designed the Kickstarter to end with the next unrevealed Stretch Goal if we hit our optimistic target for pledge levels. But the demand has been so much greater than we hoped that we simply cannot stop the momentum.
The Thunderstone Quest Developers have been burning the midnight oil and today at the Summit they presented their plans to keep up the tempo. We have added some additional interim Stretch Goals that we'll be revealing in the next 10 days, and those will lead into The Finale, the final 4 days of the Campaign for which we have prepared a really exciting finish!